Texas students and public schools are eligible for an industry-based certification.
Industry-based certifications are a valuable component of strong student pathways.
TEC §39.053 requires the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to account for high school students who earn an industry-based certification as one indicator within the student achievement domain of the state’s public school accountability system. The purpose of the IBC list is to identify certifications that prepare students for success in the workforce, military, or postsecondary education.
Students DO NOT have to use or complete the Texas A&M AgriLife curriculum to be eligible for the industry based certification. Students must meet the following requirements to sit for examination:
- 200 hours of classroom coursework with an approved educator
- Supplemental classroom/curriculum documentation – use this to document events and classroom time outside of your regular curriculum such as day camps, field trips and presentations that do not include any hands on clinical experiences
- This does not need to be completed for your regular classroom/program hours such as independent study, Virtual Veterinary Academy or your high school teacher/program
- 225 hours of hands-on clinical experience with a Licensed Veterinary Technician or DVM
- Supplemental CLINICAL documentation – use this form to document any additional locations or professionals that grant clinical hours outside your normal location such as overnight camps that grant clinical hours, special event that includes hands on clincal (i.e. vaccination clinic, spay/nueter opportunity, one day ride along with ambulatory DVM)
- 100 skills competency demonstrated from the VSCP Skills List
Documentation Forms
If you need to document an event not sponsored by VSCP please feel free to use the form below. This is for experiences such as field trips, day camps, or presentations that no documentation is provided by the professional or event.
VSCP IBC Exam Application Process
When a student has completed the requirements above they may apply to sit for examination by completing the documents below and submitting to the VSCP Credentialing Coordinator.
The APPLICATION CHECKLIST will help you prepare your documents throughout the process.
- Purchase your exam
- Exam Application
- VSCP Skills List
- Proctor Information
- Submit your documentation to VSCP by email to vscpexam@ag.tamu.edu – ensure that you are only submitting PDF’s no other file formats are accepted
Do not send any other documentation other than the exam application.
Exam Information
The VSCP exam for veterinary assistant is offered online through AgriLife Learn. The exam consists of 100 multiple choice questions. The questions are derived from foundational industry based skills that an entry level veterinary assistant should be able to demonstrate regardless of the curriculum used.
Students must be at least 16 years of age to sit for examination.